Just as many aspects of our lives, such as technology and transport, have advanced over the past few decades, so have our minds.
The Flynn effect is defined as “the increase in fluid and crystallized intelligence test scores measured in many parts of the world, from 1930 to the present day."
According to the Flynn effect, we have developed into more smarter and sophisticated individuals over the course of years. Evidence has shown massive gains in IQ scores across the past few generations. We have changed from people who perceived the world in a rigid manner to people who face an extremely complex world.
The contrast we see in the intelligence of the overall population nowadays, as compared to previous days, is quite extraordinary. The average IQ’s of people was initially 70 but has now jumped to 130.
This means that we are probably smarter than our grandparents!
Evidence shows that an average person today is smarter than 98% of those present in 1910.
One of the main reasons behind this sudden increase in intelligence test scores is due to greater access to education, due to which more children are able to attend school than ever before, and are thus getting into professional careers. Education has also become tougher in this day and age, which requires young children to put greater effort into their minds.
Another observable reason regarding the Flynn Effect is more exposure to information. Due to the development of technology and the World Wide Web, we are constantly absorbing information in facts at a rate in which we have never before. Improvement in overall health systems can also play a role in this, due to which there are now comparatively low occurrences of intellectual disabilities. Job requirements have also changed dramatically, as work consists of greater working hours has become significantly more demanding.
This general boost in IQ scores is remarkable and proves that our intelligence is not only shaped by our genes but the society we live in. Our intellect has been largely influenced by today’s society, which has become increasingly complex and advanced through the ages.