Handwriting is a great way for peering into the subconscious mind of an individual – and even your own! Handwriting analysis is a fascinating science that gives away essential and often mind-blowing insight into your own personality. Particularly the slants found in handwriting covey the emotional expressiveness of an individual. These are often formed as a result of our early childhood experiences, in which the mind learns what type of emotional outlay is the safest. In English, writing proceeds from left to right. So the left side of the page indicates the past and the ‘self’, while the right side represents the future and towards other people. Here are some of the slants listed below.
FA slant-
As seen in the image above, an FA slant is a slight backward slant. These people are usually emotionally withdrawn. The farther the writing slants to the left, the more withdrawn the person is. These people usually have only one or two friends they can count on. They are typically reserved individuals. They tend to be unexpressive, and don’t trust anyone easily. Research has shown that left-slant writers have gone through some sort of childhood trauma. Hence they are likely to mistrust others, and the ones they can most rely on are themselves! So, whenever they find themselves in a state of crisis, they withdraw to themselves.
AB slant-
This is the vertical slant. These writers are usually logical, heads-over-heart people (unless they have anger, resentment, or signs of worry in their writing).
They are very similar to the FA slant writers, except they are reasonably more sociable. They do not express their emotions, simply because they don't feel the need to (until their emotions become really extreme!) Writing vertically actually requires a lot of control, so these writers know how to control their emotions. Early on in their lives, they have learned to separate themselves from other people and work better with facts, information objects They typically remain calm in high-pressure situations.
If an AB slant is combined with small handwriting, it means the writer is introverted by nature.
BC slant-
This type of slant is very similar to the previous AB slant. The people who write with this kind of slant are logical, except with a slightly greater emotional touch. They are empathetic by nature and are normally ambiverts.
CD slant-
CD slant writers tend to be somewhat more sociable. They are empathetic, affectionate, and emotionally expressive. They are however logical as well. They are generally ambiverts. They are friendly and caring to other people. They outwardly show their emotions.
DE slant-
This writing slants really to the right. These people are extroverts who love to be around people! They gain energy by interacting with other people. Keep them isolated – and they go nuts! They also have mood swings from time to time. One day, they wake up happy, the next day they may feel cranky, then happy the following day, and so on. They are very emotionally expressive by nature. They both express and need affection. They are emotional, and experience feelings very intensely. Are hearts-over-head people, and make decisions according to their emotions instead of logic. Like the CD writers, they are unable to hide their emotions for long.
E + slant-
This is the slant that leans extremely to the right. These writers are very, very impulsive. They are driven heavily by emotions rather than logic. They are quick to express themselves and hence may feel guilty afterward over what they just said. The writers with this slant may prove to be emotionally exhausting to those around him.